The Dover Systems Report Program is a user friendly and multi-purpose tool.
It can be used to identify overall performance in percentages or percentile ranking as well as identifying areas
of weakness requiring intervention using the Rehacom (Rehabilitation Program), E-learning, Simulation training
or even specific re-testing.
Results generated using our Dover Automated Report writer are immediately available for HR, Training, Recruitment,
Risk and Safety management.
Results are immediately available on completion of the Dover Test phase by clicking on the Dover Report button.
Results/ scores are available in Excel or Word format for easy storage and transmission to another department
such as HR, Safety or Training etc.
It is user friendly, easy to implement and understand.
Easy to send to an external source for saving of results.
Complete training and available manuals make this tool an invaluable aid.
Teamviewer, Telephonic and Electronic (Email) Support are also available.